Natalie Solent |
Politics, news, libertarianism, Science Fiction, religion, sewing.
You got a problem, bud? I like sewing.
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Sunday, January 06, 2013
Climate change action: "The Science" gives way to "The Physics" Just as the incoveniently disprovable "global warming" gave way to irrefutable "climate change", so "The Science" (TSIS) gives way to "The Physics" (TPIS). Climate activist Bill McKibben will demonstrate: We're talking about a fight between human beings and physics. And physics is entirely uninterested in human timetables. Physics couldn't care less if precipitous action raises gas prices, or damages the coal industry in swing states. It could care less whether putting a price on carbon slowed the pace of development in China, or made agribusiness less profitable. Physics doesn't understand that rapid action on climate change threatens the most lucrative business on Earth, the fossil fuel industry.All you hoi polloi** with your so-called degrees in The Chemistry (TCIS), The Biology (TBIS), The Meteorology (TMIS), The Zoology (TZIS), The Geology (TGIS), The Climatology (TCIS), not to mention even those poor old bits of the The Science* (TSIS) that are so uncool that they have to have the word "Sciences" in their names (TPOBOTTS(TSIS)TASUTTHTHTWSITNIS), are just going to have to face facts. The Physics (TPIS) iz da maximum cool. You all want to be us. When times are tough for your cause, who ya gonna call? Who they gonna believe when they don't believe you? The Physics (TPIS), that's who. Only slight problem is the physicists. Not that we have a superiority complex or anything, but we sometimes do get a leetle touchy when inferiors, sorry, less rigorous folk, start stretching our error bars. If I may recommend a strategy to non-physicists wishing to keep us on side, your best bet is continued abject flattery. *Please note, "the The" is grammatically correct in this special case. I have discovered a marvellous proof but the footnote to this post is too small to contain it.
**And I can so say "you hoi polloi" if I want to. The Greek is not settled when you're a physicist. Thursday, January 03, 2013
Brave Dame Caryn The Times (behind a paywall) reports: In a bold stand for gun control, New York newspaper has had to take an unfortunate course of action to maintain its freedom to act without fear or favour. The Journal News, which prompted outrage by publishing the names and addresses of local gun owners, has hired armed guards to defend its offices from irate readers.Emphasis added. Boldly and without fear, favour or concern for mixed metaphors, I sing of arms and the editor: (To the tune of Brave Sir Robin Ran Away) Brave Dame Caryn hired a gun You see, it doesn't count as being armed so long as you are rich enough to hire someone else to hold the gun. Anyone can see that morally that is completely different to actually, you know, touching the thing yourself. |